

The town of Barceloneta, Puerto Rico was founded by Don Bonocio Llenza Feliú on July 1, 1881. Don Bonocio Llenza Feliú was born in Blanes, Catalunya. While there is no monument to him in Blanes, it is not difficult for the imagination to capture his early life in a coastal town which was the center of ship-building and fishing in the 19th century. Blanes is located in Catalonia on the Costa Brava. The first settlers are thought to have inhabited the area as far back as the third century BC and archaeologists have excavated the remains of houses from the first century BC. The town thrived as a ship building centre in the 19th century but its fortunes declined in the first half of the 20th century, particularly during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) when the local population suffered bombing, famine and repression. Modern tourism arrived in the 1950s and over the next 20 years Blanes started to flourish once again, developing into a popular international holiday destination. Back from the seafront you'll find evidence of a town steeped in history, with ancient monuments, churches and buildings still standing as reminders of this area's past.

A few photos that capture Blanes (more to be added shortly):

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